The Lingham Way
Behaviour Curriculum
Our Behaviour Curriculum aims to teach children our High Five Character Habits and prepare them to be good citizens in the future. At Lingham, we want exemplary behaviour to be an unspoken expectation. We ‘make it easy to behave and hard not to’ through:
- Teaching, not telling, children how to behave;
- Ensuring all adults are calm, consistent and fair in their response to behaviour;
- Focusing explicitly on positive behaviour: recognising, describing and explaining what we want to see;
- Adapting our approaches, where needed, for vulnerable children with additional needs
- Having clear and concise rules, routines, rewards and consequences that everyone follows
Our Behaviour Curriculum is driven by:
- Ambition: Providing an education for all children, free from disruption, that enables us to focus on raising academic standards and whole school continuous improvement.
- Equity: Ensuring all children in our school receive the same opportunities and support as those in highest performing schools across the country and that excellent behaviour is central to achieving this aim.
At Lingham, we develop children’s character through our Behaviour Curriculum. To build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect our children to demonstrate. We want to support our children to grow into adults who are respectful, resilient, collaborative, independent, ambitious, and who always consider others. We believe that as children practise these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them. Our behaviour curriculum is:
- Taught – explicit teaching, whole-school routines, assemblies, rewards and consequences, character curriculum, parental support
- Caught – opportunities for children to show the behaviour and character habits we expect and observe others, staff modelling
- Sought – ambassadors, leadership roles, wider opportunities
Our Behaviour Curriculum involves explicit teaching of routines and behaviours, rewards and consequences for behaviour, safe spaces for children when they need some calm time or time alone to reflect our character curriculum which all supports our children to develop a sense of belonging within our school family, local community and the wider world.
‘Creating the Lingham Way’ Days
Our Behaviour Curriculum is taught explicitly during our ‘Create a Culture’ days during the first week of the year. Children learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term, the Behaviour Curriculum is revisited with children through ‘Creating the Lingham Way’ days and will continue to be reinforced throughout the year. As with other curriculum content, this is taught using explicit teaching based on 5 a day approach. Our teachers also demonstrate these behaviours and ensure children have time to practise.
We have whole school assemblies that include explicit teaching of our Behaviour Curriculum and opportunities to come together as a school family to learn and discuss our routines and character habits.
Retrieval, review, and revision
We have ongoing retrieval and review of our Behaviour Curriculum and provide many opportunities for children to ask questions and for teachers to check for understanding. Our Behaviour Curriculum content is retrieved and reviewed throughout the year on a daily basis.
Ongoing formative assessment is used by staff to drive instruction of the Behaviour Curriculum, create a positive culture, and support all children to acquire our High Five Character Habits.

Each class has a Lingham Learning Tree. All children will start the day as a ‘leaf’. If they have gone above and beyond our rules and expectations, they will move to ‘crown’. If a child needs to make a change to their behaviour, they will move to ‘branch’, however, they will have the opportunity to move back to ‘leaf’ if they make the right choice. If they do not make the right choice, they will move to ‘trunk’ and this will result in learning outside of the classroom. You will be notified if your child moves to the ‘trunk’ of the tree. Further details about our behaviour curriculum and rewards and sanctions are available below:

Our Behaviour Curriculum
Contact Us
Lingham Primary School
Townmeadow Lane
CH46 7UQ