Our School Day
Gates open at 8.40 am
Doors open at 8.40 am- School starts promptly at 8:50 am.
Gates are locked at 8:55 am – Please ensure children enter via gates for school every day.
School day ends at 3.20 pm, however we currently operate staggered collection times:-
Year 1 & 4 at 3:20 pm
Year 2 & 5 at 3:25pm
Year 3 & 6 at 3:30 pm
All pupils receive at least 32.5 hours a week.
Early Years Sessions
Reception (F2) – 8:40 am to 3:20 pm
Nursery (F1) – 8:45 am to 11:45 am
2 Year Old (Little Lions) – 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Please email schooloffice@lingham.wirral.sch.uk or leave a message on the abence line by calling the office on 0151 677 5381 by 8.30am on day of absence to advise of your child(rens) absence. Or use our School App, School Spider reporting – see the instructions below.
If your child is late, please bring them into school via the main office.
Please note repeated lateness could trigger Education Penalty Notice (£60.00 per parent, per child).
If your child has a medical appointment during school hours please inform the school via email or the class teacher at drop. All other appointments should be made out of school hours.