Attendance matters at Lingham and we put great emphasis on good attendance and punctuality. As you’ll know, good school attendance is essential for good progress and achievement. Children who come to school regularly and on time make good progress in their learning. We want all of our children to achieve to the best of their potential and they cannot do this if they are not in school learning every day.
It is a legal requirement to ensure your child is attending each day and on time. Our Governing Body and Local Authority are clamping down on poor attendance as this is a Safeguarding issue.
As parents you have a duty of care to ensure your child receives a broad and balanced education, this cannot happen if your child is not attending school regularly and the number of curriculum hours lost is highly detrimental to your child’s academic progress.
Punctuality also is essential to ensure that learning time is not lost. Children who regularly arrive in school after the start of the school day miss valuable information and are not ready to settle to their work.

For information and support regarding your child’s attendance at school please contact Mrs Smith on 0151 677 5381