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Home Learning

Welcome to our Home Learning Zone for pupils who are not able to attend school because of long term sickness or school closure (including snow).

Please refer to our curriculum newsletters to see what your child has been learning in each subject. This can be found via the home page under ‘curriculum’.

Here are some excellent websites to use at home to support your child:

Year 1:


Go on the topmarks website, search phonics and choose from the following games – Spooky Sounds, Blending Bingo, Forest Phonics, Poop Deck Pirates, Stamp and Grunt.


Draw/write about your Christmas break. What did you get from Father Christmas? What did you enjoy playing with? Did you go anywhere?


Number bonds to 10. Watch Numberblocks Series two, Blast Off. Gather 10 objects from around the house (10 cars, 10 felt pens etc) and investigate the different ways to make 10. Can you record it in a number sentence eg. 1 + 9 = 10  or 4 + 6 = 10.


Use the skills we learnt last term to do some observational drawing. Pick some objects from around the house and have a go at looking at them carefully and drawing them. Remember to use your pencil marks to add texture. Eg make it look fluffy or bumpy.

Year 2:

Counting the sides and vertices of shapes. Can you count the shapes around your house?

Recap our story we are using in English. Tell your grown up about the letter you plan to write.

Additional practice on the game Quick Draw we have used in class.

Geography/ History
Can you research our Local Area of New Brighton? Write down some facts or notes and
bring into school with you.

Phonics: Little Wandle

Year 3:

Maths: White Rose

Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize

Scratch Junior

National Geographic Kids

TT Rockstars

Year 4:

Maths: White Rose

Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize


National Geographic Kids

TT Rockstars

Year 5:

Maths: White Rose

Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize


National Geographic Kids

TT Rockstars

Year 6:

Maths: White Rose

Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize


National Geographic Kids

TT Rockstars

Past SAT papers examples

Mindfulness and keeping active:

Cosmic Yoga


Go Noodle


My Happy Mind

Body Percussion