SMSC and British Values
British Values at Lingham Primary School
At our school we promote the fundamental British Values at all times and in all we do. Staff model the values through their behaviour and conduct. Staff consistently refer to these values when discussing and exemplifying both positive and negative behaviour in our school and community and when reflecting on world issues. The 5 values are taught implicitly through our curriculum and wider school experiences. Through exemplifying these values, we promote diversity and inclusion, equality and kindness. This is how we exemplify each value here at Lingham:
- Democratic vote to elect School Council Representatives and Eco Councillors
- Children vote for candidates by thinking about their suitability for the role
- Pupils are always listened to by adults
- Pupils learn about UK Government and Parliament – they also compare this to other non-democratic governments and learn about periods in history when democracy was
- We invite Local MPs to our school to talk about democracy
Rule of Law:
- We have clear rules that are understood by all – Be ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe!
- Our behaviour policy is followed consistently and sanctions and rewards applies fairly
- The Police visit our school to reinforce messages of right and wrong. They help us to understand the age of criminal responsibility
Individual Liberty:
- We encourage children to be independent learners
- We encourage curiosity and questioning; children can express their views respectfully and will be listened to
- We help children to make safe choices by putting in clear boundaries
- Pupils learn that they can speak out about something they believe in and learn how to campaign and peacefully protest if they feel strongly that something is unfair
Mutual Respect:
- We consistently promote respect as our ‘Golden Rule’
- All staff and pupils challenge any behaviour or communication that is not respectful
- We will not tolerate any form of discrimination
- Our lessons and assemblies teach about different forms of bullying; we learn how to keep safe and how to speak out
- Any incidents of bullying and discrimination are recorded, reported to Governors and analysed to that we can address this
- Teaching pupils about healthy relationships is central to our RSE curriculum
- Lingham support and work with many charitable organisations
- Our RE Curriculum enables pupils to learn about and reflect upon different faiths and traditions and to compare them with the Christian faith
- We celebrate our uniqueness, we embrace diversity and we are inclusive
- We teach children about the protected characteristics and ensure that no member of our community faces discrimination
- There are ‘No Outsiders’ in our school
- We are proud to be a School of Sanctuary – we welcome new arrivals into our school with open arms
- Kindness is our core value
SMSC at Lingham Primary School

At Lingham Primary School, Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) development underpins all aspects of our board and balanced curriculum, therefore, enabling children to develop the skills and attitudes encapsulated in our values. Our vision for SMSC is to raise the aspirations of our students by nurturing a passion for learning, enriching their learning experiences, providing the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in adult life, and enabling them to secure outcomes which exceed their expectations. We want to create confident, resilient, and well-rounded pupils who have an aspiration for self-improvement and are able to compete equally with their peers in a world beyond school life. We recognise that all students need to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. This development allows them to make sense of their world. Our highly engaging curriculum helps students develop an informed and balanced view on world events, beliefs and values of others. We endeavour to prepare our students for their future when becoming respectful individuals, life-long learners and active citizens in a modern British society.
At Lingham Primary School, there are No Outsiders – everyone is welcome!
At Lingham Primary School, we believe in the importance of equality and everybody having the same opportunities. This is modelled by our staff and taught through lessons and other experiences both discretely and explicitly. As part of our PSHE/SMSC curriculum, we follow a scheme called No Outsiders. No Outsiders is a scheme that involves the use of age appropriate story books (see below for a list of the books we use) to teach about seven of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. These include:
- age;
- disability;
- gender reassignment;
- race;
- religion or belief;
- gender;
- sexual orientation.