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Two Year Old Provision

Lingham’s Little Lions:

This is our 2 Year Olds Provision and has 2 sessions per day, each session has the capacity for 8 children.

Morning Session:

8.45 am – 11.45 am

Afternoon Session:

12.30 pm – 3.30 pm

There are always 2 members of staff at all times fulfilling the legal requirement for a ratio of

1 staff : 4 children.

The room is self contained and has it’s own entrance and outdoor area as well as a pram store for parents to be able to leave their prams on the premises. There is a kitchen area to prepare snack and toddler sized toilets and changing area. 

The room mirrors the Foundation 1 and Foundation 2 provision with areas such as:

  • water
  • sand
  • reading area
  • writing/mark making area
  • Workshop
  • Block area
  • Construction area
  • Role play area
  • Small world area

The children are taught skills through play linked to the appropriate age and stage of Development Matters stretching from 16 – 24 months to 22-36 months and up to 30 -50 months.

If you wish to apply for funding for your child to attend this provision then you can get help from the Health Visitor or apply via Leasowe Early Years Centre.

If you are not eligible for funding then you can pay for either 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions at £55 per week in advance of the session.

If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Meehan.