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Charities and Fundraising

Charities and Fundraising at Lingham

As always, our School Council has been reviewing which charities Lingham Primary School will be supporting this year and next. We try to ensure a balance of local, national and international charities and also allow the children the opportunity to fundraise for their school. Please see below:

Autumn Term 2022 – 23Harvest Festival – Supporting our local foodbankCooking for the Homeless – Wirral Homeless CharityPoppy Appeal – Royal British LegionShoebox Appeal – Rotary ClubChristmas Jumper Day – Save the Children   Autumn Term 2023 – 24Harvest Festival – supporting our local foodbankMacmillan Coffee Morning Cooking for the Homeless – Wirral Homeless CharityChildren in NeedPoppy Appeal – Royal British LegionChristmas Jumper Day 
Spring Term 2023 ‘Go Green for Clatterbridge’Cooking for the HomelessSpring Term 2024 TBC following school council voteFundraiser for Lingham Primary School
Summer Term 2023Fundraiser for Lingham Primary schoolCooking for the Homeless